Dwa Oświecenia. Polacy, Żydzi i ich drogi do nowoczesności


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Właściciel biblioteki: A. L. Chiarini, rok utworzenia: 1835
oprac.: dr Agnieszka Fabiańska

  • [33] Hebraeorum de connubiis jus civile et pontificum . Parisiis 1673 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 8o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/43125753
  • [22] Gesenius, Wilhelm Hebraische Grammatik . Halle 1828 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 8o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1073893250
  • [1] Jahn, Johann Hebraisches Wörterbuch v. Johann Jahn . Wiedeń 1799 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 8o
       Worldcat: Hebräisches Wörterbuch | WorldCat.org
  • [23] Hebraismus chaldaismus targumico-rabinicus et Syriasmus . Lipsiae , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 4o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/165628374
  • [81] Hezels, Wilhelm Hezels Wilh. Syrische Sprachlehre . Lemgo 1788 , v. 1
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1068143536
  • [50] Histoire calcographique de 17. années de Jubilé Universele , v. 1
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/822058054
  • [96] Malo, Charles Histoire de Juifs . Paris 1826 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 8o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/10660972
  • [49] Basnage Histoire de Juifs . Haye 1716 , v. 10
       Uwagi: format: 8o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1068307044
  • [103] Gaius, Plinius Secundus Historiae naturalis libri XXXVII (wyd. Harduin Joannes) . Venetiis 1784 , v. 8
       Uwagi: 1784-[1785]
       Worldcat: https://kxp.k10plus.de/DB=1.77/SET=4/TTL=4/SHW?FRST=1
  • [124] Homer Homeri opera Ilias et Odyssea graece (wyd. Boissonade Joan. Franc.) . Paris 1823 , v. 3
       Uwagi: format: 16o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/15500153
  • [123] Horatius, Flaccus Horatii Flacci opera nova editio stereo. . Lipsiae 1824 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 12o
  • [177] Iewamoth . Amsterdam 407 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: folio
  • [159] Iewamoth Ketaboth Keduszyn etc. . Amsterdam 407 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: folio
  • [148] Iewamoth [?] Nedarim . Bazylea 338 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: folio
  • [73] Homer Ilias . Halae 1817 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 8o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1070773930
  • [128] Clenardus, Nicolaus Institutiones ac meditationes in graecam linguam etc. . Lugduni 1557 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 4o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1046322280
  • [120] Aryda, Antonius Institutiones grammaticae arabicae . Viennae 1813 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 4o; uwaga AF: wg WorldCat format to folio (28 cm)!
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1149390858
  • [41] Gretser, Jakob Institutionum linguae graecae , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 8o; Uwaga AF: kilka wydań, nie da się zidentyfikować, które to z nich
  • [59] Giraudeau, Bonaventure Introductio ad linguam graecam . Romae 1739 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 12o; uwaga AF: w WorldCat format 16o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1051066132
  • [204] Majmonides, Moses Iod hochzakoch (bez tytułu) , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: folio
  • [221] Wagenseilius, Johannes Ioh. Christ. Wagenselii Sota hoc est liber Mischnicus uxore adulterii suspecta . Altdorfii Noricorum 1674 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 4o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/7535346
  • [173] Iozejarz i Ieremiasz , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 12o
  • [71] Isagoge unten [?] Ellenikonglotton . Vienne 1798 , v. 1
  • [92] Isocrates Isocratis opera graece cum anidmaversio. [sic!] critricis . Hallae 1803 , v. 1
       Uwagi: format: 8o
       Worldcat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/9951353
  • [172] Izajasz Ieremiasz Ezechiel z komentarzami , v. 1
       Uwagi: format folio; brak tytułu